- No, Might DOESN'T Make Right, but it CAN overpower it, if the Might is unevenly distributed.
- Oppressive governments always work to make Might unevenly distributed. Governments of the People work to put Might in the hands of the People. That's the idea behind the 2nd Amendment, which makes all other rights possible.
- War is no longer always on the side of the biggest and best-armed battalions. This link to a TikTok video shows that Information is the New Power. It's Guerrilla Warfare for the 21st Century.
- When it comes to basic common sense, Trump still has the ability to put it into words. Being able to define what is YOURS with a border is the essential factor that permits you to claim YOURS.
- Leftists talk a good game about Claiming the Power, but what they generally mean is, "Those OTHER people with stuff should have it taken from them". They never mean that the principle will affect their lives. They still expect Power, Position, and Privilege for themselves.
- Putin has tried the "Make it SO!" approach to World Domination. He put people in the position of not daring to give him their honest assessment of field readiness. And, he seems to not have learned from the brutal lessons in Afghanistan - a defensive guerrilla war will often outlast the aggressor - assuming basic guns and low-level arms are widely available. Today's Russian soldiers are the children of those who experienced their country's betrayal in that region before. They may fold under pressure. Please read the story at the link - it is both heartbreaking and infuriating.
- Small things can change history - this effort to keep Republicans from office is abusing the Constitution's 14th Amendment for political purposes. The so-called insurrection was not; a legitimate and lawful protest that was hijacked by government-directed plants should not suffer from those unlawful acts. Make a note of the above link, and share it widely on social media and hard copy (Right-click on the page, and Save to PDF. Make copies, and put them around the public places you hang out in - libraries, grocery stores, coffee shops, employee lunch tables, public restrooms).
- Now, this is a promising turn of events, and may reduce the UN's toadying to Russia. Nice use of legalism to get your objective.
[Update] - just saw this assessment from Rubio, and have to question it. Rubio is in the stinkin' paws of the Deep State, and has little background on distinguishing truth from blatant lies, when it comes to judging the "Intelligence Community".
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