Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Why We Should NOT Break Up the USA

I know, I know. I'm also a huge fan of the Kelly Turnbull books.

The Left have managed to populate a wide swath of the most defensible territory - coasts, the coastal hills/mountains, and the Great Lakes borders. The Red states are:
  • Plains - a LOT of them. And, Poland and Ukraine are excellent examples of why that terrain is NOT good for keeping your country from being steamrolled by an aggressor. All the Blues would have to do is to use Canada as a waypoint to mass their weapons, send them over the sparsely populated border, and split the USA in half. Think Canada wouldn't do it? Canada leans considerably Left of the USA, even with Biden in charge.
  • South - in some cases, considerably south of the Great Lakes (containing ONE-FIFTH of the WORLD'S FRESH WATER). All they would have to do to bring the Red to their knees is to shut off the access to water.
  • The Ohio River does feed into the Mississippi, and it's in Red-leaning areas. But, from the rivers flowing into the Ohio, and all along the way to the New Orleans delta region, it's an easy target for the Blues to jam it up and keep us from using it for shipping, irrigation, and drinking water. Read your Civil War history about the campaign to control the Mississippi to see how easy it is to disrupt the Mississippi's commerce. Remember, they don't have to take it over to stop the shipments.
  • Swamp-lands abound in the Gulf and southern East Coast. They are vulnerable to hurricanes, which takes their people out of any action. TX gets hurricanes, tornados, and flooding - in GOOD years. The Blues would be sending guns to the border, between TX and Mexico, which would tie up a lot of fighters in that location.
Now, there are defensible Red places:
  • Appalachia - and, that place is filled with hostiles, many of them quite adept with guns.
  • The Rockies - all along the West Coast, the Blueness stops not very far inland. Well before you hit the mountains, your people are Crimson.
  • The Smokies, the Allegheny mountains, the Sierra Nevadas. Lesser ranges - the Adirondacks, the Cascades, and the Ozarks.
In just about every country I can think of, the Hill/Mountain people are the ones that rebel against central governments. They are generally left alone as much as possible. When the national government does try to control the hillbillies, it often isn't a pretty sight - the Taliban are, in fact, the Hill People of Afghanistan. And, we all know how well that went.

It's not that it is all impossible, but it would be long and filled with death. A better solution is to starve the central government of money, and fortify the state/local governments by empowering them to resist federal encroachment of their rights.

Not as soul-stirring, not as quickly definitive, but something within our power to do, and a way to keep the USA intact.

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