Friday, March 11, 2022

What HB 1557 Really Is

It basically says that schools cannot inject inappropriate content about sex and gender to children too young to understand.

Not "Don't Say Gay!"

It just leaves the decision about when to have that conversation to the parents.

Not the school.

There are few children who will not become exposed to information - true or false - in the course of growing up. There are VERY FEW CHILDREN who are so sheltered from the world that they don't hear about it in the normal course of life.

At that point, when they have questions, it is the PARENTS' job to tell them, in a age-appropriate way.

Not by bringing in often truly scary-looking drag queens to read to them. There are parents who are OK with that (and I really DO have to wonder at their sanity), and that is THEIR choice. Any parent who feels that a child is deprived without hearing their kit lit from a bad Dolly Parton imitation can arrange it.

And, the above person is NOT the scariest one of the bunch. In Drag Queen comparisons, that person looks relatively normal.

Now, Disney Corp. has injected itself into the fight against parents determining how their kids are raised. Disney is solidly on the side of The Woke and Aware.

From the same Ace of Spades post linked above:

Chadwick Moore makes a devastating point: the Groomer Corporation Disney's business partner the Chinese Communist Party literally has a straight-up No Gays Allowed rule.

They've imposed a "No Sissy Men" rule for TV, movies, the internet, advertising, everything.

China forbids depicting effeminate-looking -- "gay" looking -- men anywhere.

But the Groomer Corporation Disney says nothing about China's obviously anti-gay censorship policies.

Further information about the Disney Corporation, and their Woke agenda, which also targets People of Pallor for special attention, at City Journal.

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