Saturday, February 26, 2022

MY Guys are Awesome! YOUR Guys Suck!

The term "partisan" is one with a long history. It refers to fighters whose allegiance to their side is total, and who are not willing to stop the fighting until ALL those who are on other sides are completely defeated, or dead. Think the movie "Braveheart".

The Partisans are not willing to compromise or share control of government with anyone not on their side. The willingness of Europe's various dissenting ethnicities to join Partisan forces is likely to be related to their experience in being ousted from any participation by a triumphant Nazi Party.

In WWII, the term was widely used for those opposed to Germany's 3rd Reich. A list of many partisan groups from that time is here. Many of the Partisans were defeated Socialists and Communists. Many ignored the reality that, had they been in power, their use of repressive techniques against their ideological enemies would have been virtually identical (and, in a Soviet-controlled Eastern Europe, was).

But, the Left uses that term admiringly, as long as those so identified are on THEIR side.

That demonization of your political opponents is common in many parts of the world. Only in America, and a few other places, is there an expectation that the party in power will cooperate with the party out of power to provide some input and influence on the direction of government.

From the Merriam-Webster definition:
a firm adherent to a party, faction, cause, or personespecially one exhibiting blind, prejudiced, and unreasoning allegiancepolitical partisans who see only one side of the problem

The modern Democratic Party can easily be described - at least the leadership - as a rabidly partisan faction. The Leftists are firmly committed to the idea that anyone who is not fully on board with EVERY aspect of the Leftist Line:

  1. Pro-Abortion, with NO limits on when it can be performed, NO limits on harvesting the 'waste products', and NO need to show or demonstrate medical need. Anyone not 100% on board with that is cast out.
  2. All Blacks are oppressed (systemically), All whites are privileged, and All not-Black people who will not parrot that position are Officially 'white'.
  3. Corporations are the enemy, unless they contribute to Leftist organizations when demanded. Non-profits are bad, if not explicitly Leftist. Politics should be forbidden to non-Leftist non-profits; even explicitly partisan acts are NOT political, if done by a Leftist non-profits.
  4. Money is Evil, in the hands of the Left's enemies. It is made 'Pure', when given to Leftists.
  5. Any accusation by a Leftist is 'evidence' of their opponent's culpability. Cooperation by the GOP with other countries is evidence that the GOP has been bribed. and constitutes treason. Suspicion of financial irregularities is evidence that the GOP politician has committed Massive Crimes. What else does a court need to convict? 
  6. For a Leftist to travel to another country and financially benefit from interactions with politicians is evidence of their shrewdness in business matters. Absolutely NOTHING to do with illegal bribes to family members.

Perhaps the most Un-American and abusive Leftist practice is the use of Social Credit. People are being cut out of participation in financial activities (banks, businesses, use of credit, lockdown of their own money in banks). forbidden entry on school property, kept from claiming degrees because of unapproved opinions, locked out of professions for failure to agree to politically partisan goals and ideals.

Use of Social Media is being denied to people who have committed no actual infractions of the TOS - Terms of Service. Nonetheless, their opinions have gotten many NLDs to be put into "Facebook Jail", or kicked off the site for good.

Kicking people off social media deprives them of the right to speak in our increasingly online world. Locking them out of the financial economy is worse: It deprives them of the right to make a living. We have seen how cancel culture can obliterate one’s ability to earn an income, but now the cancelled may find themselves without a way to pay for goods and services. Previously, cancelled employees who would never again have the opportunity to work for a Fortune 500 company at least had the option to go into business for themselves. But if they cannot purchase equipment, pay employees, or receive payment from clients and customers, that door closes on them, too.

 On a different note, the always amazing Gerard Vanderleun has a post you'll want to read.

I'm not in favor of continuing to bail out Europe with NATO. Ya' wanna make deals with your enemies to get fuel supplies? Put yourself in thrall (Viking slavery form)to the Russians for SEVENTY % of what you use in energy?

No long my problem. We can bring the men AND the equipment/munitions home. Use them to reduce the Defense budget.

On the 'nomination' in process - &^%$#@#$%^& it!

Make the Justice actually LEAVE his seat, before letting the process even start. Otherwise, Breyer can Take it Back, should a GOP seat open up, and it would slide through before the midterms, having already been in process.


Wait for the next election.

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