Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Missing the Obvious

Somehow, in this Breathless Love-the-City Piece from the Style section, the NYT has missed the obvious answer to the question:

Why are New Yorkers eating earlier now?

The NYT blames:

  • Work from home enthusiasts eager to put a marker in the end of their work day
  • Covid curfews that lead restaurants to close earlier
  • Lack of grateful workers to serve their betters
  • Prioritizing sleep over a social life
  • And, my personal favorite excuse, 'rejection of corporate hegemony'.
So what reasons could there be that haven't been explored?

How about the desire to get back home, and behind a locked set of doors, before the 'Youths' hit the streets and raise havoc?

Nah. COULDN'T be that the sophisticated, urbane city-dwellers are avoiding contact with the - uh, more VIBRANT residents of the city, could it?

Silly me for even suggesting it.

Monday, September 26, 2022

Wonderful to Feel Better

After a LONG time of feeling sub-par, I'm nearly back to very good. The 'water pills' helped a lot. The doctor and I never did manage to nail down why I was retaining buckets of water for so long, but, once I did one cycle of meds, I was back to normal functioning.
So, I can bend my knees and ankles without pain, walk more than short distances, and generally function like someone without medical issues.
That's done a LOT to bring back my normally sunny disposition. Even a nasty cold last week barely dented my high spirits.
I've finished almost all of the re-certifications with the carriers and ACA Marketplace. I've started contacting people about updating their medical info, and getting ready to do a check on their plans, to make sure they are in the best possible plan for the coming year.
I'm walking more, and with little difficulty; I'm even managing stairs more easily. So, Win-Win.

Thursday, September 22, 2022


If you're not sure of the meaning of today's post title, here is a link.

I still check into the news each day. Why, I'm beginning to wonder. It's an endless recap of the latest Attempt to Force the Peasants into Compliance with Endless Directives from Poorly Educated "Elites".

Amazingly, the Leftist-controlled entity, ERIC (Election Registration Information Center), is considered an Independent and Impartial organization, dedicated to the noble task of making sure that citizens with the legal ability to vote are the only ones on the rolls.

I know, I know. We've heard it all before. Like Charlie Brown believing Lucy will hold the football for him, despite their history.

That's not what's meant by Keep the Faith.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Leftist Fight Against Reality

Leftists are on a - dare I say it? - CRUSADE Against Reality:

  • They will Transform the Climate!
  • They will Transform Genders!
  • They will Transform the Economy!
  • They will Transform Education!
  • They will Transform the Culture!
  • They will Transform the Way the Sexes Act and Interact!
  • They will Transform Capitalism!
  • They will Transform the Family!
  • They will Transform the Church!
  • They will Transform Work!
  • They will Transform Childrearing!
  • They will Transform International Relations!
  • They will Transform Publishing, the Arts, and Music!
  • They will Transform the Office!
  • They will Transform the Home!
  • They will Transform the Human Body!
So. How's that working for them? (To paraphrase Dr. Phil).

Do you see ANY aspect in that above list that has SUCCESSFULLY changed?

Me, neither.

That list, and my response to it, was created in answer to Bookwormroom's post of yesterday.

I like what she wrote. She used the situation of farmers, and how they exemplify the impossibility of the Leftist Philosophy. The cycles of weather, crops, the local ecosystem, and the skill of the farmer - and just plain luck - determine the harvest.

Not Central Planning.

Not Eco-Warriors.

Not Government.

Not Prayers to Gaia.

Experience, and the willingness to work.

Leftists want to change human existence; they envision the possibility of human beings deliberately setting a goal, and using the State to enforce the changes that would (in their view) be necessary to make that goal a reality.

When the goal is not reached, Leftists take that as a challenge, and make more rules, regulations, and laws to bend reality to their will.

When that doesn't work, and they finally accept that their solution will not work - with THAT group of people - why, they simply eliminate the human roadblock, and bring in more compliant people.

Again and again.

Leftism and Statism lead to genocide - with the 'intelligentsia', the Kulaks, the 'wreckers', the 'political enemies', the Jews, the peasants, the Uyghurs, the American native-born Whites, the Deplorables - all must be destroyed.

Nature, and Natural Law are the enemies. Human Nature, in the case of most people caring more about the well-being of their own biological families than strangers, is the enemy. Sexual Dimorphism, and the natural difference between the sexes, is the enemy.

Natural differences between people are declared to be the result of "systemic racism", and, therefore, the enemy.

Every facet of Human Life that will not bend to The Will of the Leftist People must be opposed, and, if not defeated, destroyed.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Taking Time for Me

I've been pushing myself to keep going (even though flat surfaces attracted me like a magnet), through a cold and accompanying asthma attack. I had a time constraint on finishing my prep for AEP (Annual Enrollment Period for Medicare). Fortunately, I managed to do so with my top 4 providers, and with the Marketplace, too (that's (Un)Affordable Care Act for the rest of you).

So, I was able to check into QSO Today's Virtual Conference, and learn how to build a kit for some ham radio components. I already have a transceiver (just have to get my husband to bring it up on the next trip).

I had a stellar time, and am looking forward to reviewing the video created, and finishing my new little toy. I got stalled with the project when we started winding a toroid, and my hands kept cramping. That, and my vision started getting too blurry to continue at that time. I put in drops, and will get back to it after a little down time.

There were other sessions, too - Setting up a long-distance antenna in a small space (even if you are burdened with an HOA, which I am not) was particularly interesting. We're on a lunch break for now.

That conference had been around for a while, but really took off when COVID hit. I'd attended before, but the numbers really soared when they were the only get-together in town. It's only $10 for the 2-day conference, which to me is a bargain.

I'm going to be checking into the conference tomorrow, as well. The NOARS (Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society) has a meeting the next day. so I'll be refreshed and ready to tackle AEP prep after that.

What do any of you do for fun?

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

The Left Can't Find Nazis? They'll Provide Their OWN!

The bizarre sight of Biden going all Demagogue Hitler on a dark, red-light stage has to rank as one of the strangest events of the year. And, it's been a VERY strange year.

The Left is ready - nay, EAGER - to fight 'The Nazis/Fascists' among us. They don't let the fact that there are only a miniscule number of Americans who are even SLIGHTLY attracted to that philosophy stop them from smearing the entire group of American Dissidents.

So, they keep trying, harder and harder, to take out those Dissidents who they have chosen as Example Fascists, and throwing all the power of an overstuffed government on 'those people'.

To no avail.

What they don't realize is that the Dissidents are largely self-organized and use shared leadership structures that divide the power and responsibility among its members.

Ultimately, we - individually - are responsible for the continuance of the Constitutional Republic. We need to push back from within our communities, and stop the Power Overreach.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

The 'Sleepers' Among Us

I'm referring to this new twist on RINOs - the people who are flat-out NOT a Republican, but is lying about their past - with the copious assistance of social media 'scrubbers'.

Now, I'd planned on putting this post on Liberty's Torch. However, difficulties with loading the dashboard led me to put this here. I'm hoping that the issues will be resolved soon.

But, back to the issue - what do we do about this takeover of the GOP apparatus?

Third party always SOUNDS good - but, as we've seen in the past, that's a high barrier to success. The rules for getting on the ballot in every state have deliberately made very unfriendly for those attempting to accomplish that goal.

We've TRIED to reform the GOP. A lot of good that's done us. With the timeline so short for the midterms, we're probably stuck with the GOP, for now.

But, there is time before 2024.

There are, to my knowledge, no third party organizations that appear on all 50 states - with the exception of the Libertarian party.

The actual votes for that party, in local, state, and national elections, is quite low. The hard-core members are NOT on board with the mainstream GOP. I expect that any attempt to do to them what the RINOs/sleepers have done to the GOP are doomed.

And, for me, that's OK.

I don't want to co-opt them.

I want to affiliate with them.

I want to establish a working relationship with them; we'll put up our most electable candidates under their umbrella, with their agreement, and, in return, we'll work out a platform that allows BOTH groups to get the top 5 of their most urgent concerns, RELATED TO NON-SOCIAL/CULTURAL ISSUES, addressed after 2024. This can be a time-limited affiliation.

I think it's likely that the hard-core GOP members for whom social/cultural issues are paramount will resist. I would expect getting their cooperation would be a hard-sell.

However, there are many unaffiliated voters Leaning Libertarian, who could be persuaded.

Do I think keeping the Dobbs status is worth fighting for? Sure. It's a workable decision that returns those laws to the states. And, to be fair, it would probably be worth it for Libertarians as well, as it allows local organizations to have a larger impact - although, for many of them, completely getting government out of the process is better.

I do believe that most of the LP would agree with that plan. In that, perhaps I'm optimistic, but I have to believe that working out a way to have a larger influence on national affairs would appeal to the members of the LP.

Whatever the answer, it's clear that the GOP is - or should be - dead to us. Their record is black with betrayal of principle.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

How Do We Know Hillary is Lying?

Her lips are moving.

Look. I understand that many women are eager to see a woman president. Those who are boomers are especially concerned that it will not happen in their lifetime.

But, Hillary is NOT the woman to pin your hopes on. She is deeply amoral, lacking any conscience regarding her deliberate actions. She lies as readily as she breathes. That innocent people have DIED as a result of her failures in Benghazi doesn’t even rise to the level of mild embarrassment.

Support for such a morally flawed woman is akin to sticking by Tony Soprano; it warps and destroys all that do so.

Friday, September 9, 2022

Just Another Example of Carefully Chosen Words Obscuring the Situation

The science camp was contacted by parents concerned about a biological male occupying the same cabin as pre-teen girls.

The letter that was sent to parents contained this:

"Recently, a story about the practices and procedures here at Pali Institute were called into question by someone who inaccurately accused us of placing male staff members in cabins with our female students/campers.

This was based on unfounded assumptions by what we believe to be a concerned parent and their misunderstanding of the information we did provide."

But, as I understand it, a person who has begun the transitioning process is 'not a male', for legal purposes. Later in the letter, the camp clears up the situation:

"Please know that we will not place children in cabins with staff members that are not the same sex assigned at birth."

Look, the kids were concerned enough about the situation to question the 'staff member' about which sex 'they' were. My guess is that the person was a birth-female, in the process of transitioning to male. The carefully worded letter doesn't exclude that possibility, therefore, it's likely.

I'm getting tired of the 'not true, but, TECHNICALLY not false' statements that are so prevalent today. The releases are carefully crafted to be 'not false', yet convey a falsehood through dancing around the actual concern or facts.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

I Just Threw Up in my Mouth

HILLARY R CLINTON is on The View, pontificating about the Mar-a-Lago Raid.

Complete with her 'viewpoint' - COMPLETELY nonpartisan and impartial, of course - that anyone committing the dangerous and illegal acts that she assumes Trump has should be "Locked Up".

I believe there is a God, and he is just as well as merciful.

I'd just like to see some of that justice applied soon.


Thursday, September 1, 2022

NO, I am Not in Favor of This

Report here - is your team listed? This is not about what a grown person does. This is about using carcinogenic drugs on minors, and performing surgery on people too young to make decisions about ear-piercing or getting a tat.

There Are None So Blind…

…as those who WILL not see.

Folks, we’re there - in fact, LONG past it. We’re past the point of logically making our points, linked to evidence, and waiting for them, after seeing the preponderance of it, to make even a SLIGHT acknowledge that there MIGHT be something there.

We KNOW “those people”. Hell, most of of are related to them, work with them, live in their neighborhood, and otherwise associate with them on a regular basis.

That’s what’s so painful - to see their obdurate refusal to face reality. To know that the reason they are playing “I can’t SEE that!” Is that they are terrified. They know the truth, underneath. It’s just that admitting it will leave them without their comfortable illusions. Naked in the light, stripped of their self-righteous certainty that THEY are the “Good Ones”.

They are like Confederates after the South fell to the Union, still bravely insisting on the glory of their Cause, and even organizing sub Rosa missions to thwart Yankee ‘oppression’.

They are Diehards. They will continue this unto the Third generation. Their bitterness will not wither away. About the best we can hope for is that the USA, through internal migration, sorts itself into geographically separate regions. That, and that the Diehards get defanged through reduction of federal money infusions.

But, it’s likely to be Avery long process. Longer than I’m likely to be around for.

That’s why the Battle for the Next Generation is crucial. Those who are creating stories and songs and video aimed at the YA and under-40 market are our Front Lines. We have to work to pass along the story of freedom.

The Left has already overreached itself. The parents became aware of the extent of the rot in schools, in great part, thanks to the Covid restrictions. And they are resisting, as well as building alternative routes to learning.

Remember, it’s always darkest before you find the light switch.