Sunday, April 30, 2023

Who ARE You?

I’m asking seriously. Who, at your core ARE you?

What are your values?

What would you do to defend them?

Forget about taking up arms, when in extremis. It’s more important to define just how far you will go, BEFORE that point.

Would you dare to publicly oppose neighbors, family, and friends? Even if that opposition is simply as mild as “No, a genetic man can never ‘become’ a woman”. Or, it is simply not right or fair for men (or, as the Left would put it, TransWomen) to compete physically against an actual biological woman. That there is a reason that boys used to be told not to hit girls. It’s not a fair fight.

Would you take on local government? Put in a protest of policies that DISfavor certain ethnic groups? Protest at school board meetings about offensive or discriminatory materials used in classrooms or the school library? Sign a petition? Attend a meeting?

The above are all fairly low-level actions that are not going to put you in jeopardy of being arrested, not bankrupt you. But, by participating in them, you may give courage to others who are weary of the Left’s encroachment on every facet of modern life.

I cannot believe that people will rise up in armed revolution, if they won’t even risk their comfort on an issue important to them. If you won’t dare take a stand, nor sign your name to a petition, nor stop hiding behind anonymity on social media, I cannot believe your assertion of solidarity with forces opposing the Leftist Juggernaut.

Saturday, April 29, 2023

If Not Now…


I think this guy is right.

It will not get easier or less painful to dissent. It will become more difficult and more damaging in the future - IF you do not begin NOW.

I’m getting quite impatient with those who say, “But, I might lose my job.” Or that their family will suffer social ostracism.

Well, yeah, they might. And if you don’t think it will get worse, seeing as the Repressive Forces of the Left are not being resisted, you haven’t learned anything from history.

The sad truth is, when tyrants don’t encounter pushback they become emboldened to exact even more repressive and cruel rules, regulations, and laws. And, to seek out the dissidents for especially cruel torture. Those actions put the fearful in even greater fear. Soon, even the THOUGHT of resistance will cause them to self-censor errant and resistant thoughts. Such clamped down on thoughts will never surface as speech, let alone action.

They will fearfully and willingly build their own cage.


Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Woke vs. Powerful

The so-called "Woke" women are said to be frightening the Knuckledraggers of the USA (K.O.T.U.). In the non-Woke Super Mario Brothers movie, Princess Peach is said to be an example of Empowered Female Warrior in the Woke tradition.


Powerful female warriors have been around for a LONG time. In the original Conan the Barbarian, Sandahl Bergman (a 6 foot woman, who was a professional dancer and very fit) played the part of Valeria, a very capable fighter. In the film, she did her own stunts. Her most memorable line was a taunt to Conan when he hesitated to take on the villains:

Do you want to live forever?

She was one of the best parts of the film. And, as a non-anorexic, athletic woman, her fighting skills were more believable (unlike the MANY gurls in film who, at less than 120 pounds, successfully defeat 250 pound or more fit men.

I like a good fight scene, but that just is WRONG. That is simply NOT GONNA HAPPEN.

Because, Physics.

Friday, April 7, 2023

There MUST Be a Reason That This Solution Hasn't Been Tried

I mean, other than the OBVIOUS one - that the Federal Reserve system, like most of government, is hopelessly corrupt.

My solution is simple - if a bank gets bailed out from its own stupidity in making loans that cannot be repaid, the Fed should:

  • Allow limits on the amount that larger holdings by DEPOSITERS will be 'insured' - after the statutory limit is hit, the next $ 200,000 is reimbursed at 75%, the next at 50%, and down to $0 reimbursement. That will encourage the growth of banks beyond the 'Bigs'.
  • Stockholders will have to take their lumps, and get their money - if any - from what remains.
  • Any bank that failed, but is still viable, will need to be broken up into smaller banks, which will have to be audited (and, presumably, put their more feckless employees on the chopping block). 
The bank's boards will be responsible for repaying some of the loss, should their tenure have coincided with reckless operation. Those on corporate boards are, in fact, legally liable for not exercising due diligence and permitting fiscally irresponsible acts.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

No AM in Cars? A VERY Bad Idea

There are many reasons for not eliminating AM in Electric cars - not having local access to emergency information is just one of them.

So why do it?

The manufacturers could be forced to shield the radio transmissions from interference by the electrical system. It might not be cheap, but it could be done.

But the federal government is not doing it.

Now, I think it's clear that protecting the American consumer is not the reason. The Feds don't care a whit for any of us.

The REAL reason is that AM radio - even after Rush Limbaugh's death - is a powerful counter to the Media Monopoly. It is a market that is still open for innovative broadcasters, political commentators, and challenges to Leftist Groupthink.

I still listen to AM occasionally. It does make the time pass on long trips. And, I appreciate the alternative nature of the medium.

That's the real danger, from the perspective of Leftists. It's a challenge to the Mainstream Media. God forbid that we manage to get Unapproved News from the Non-Left. It a particular concern as Trump's trial in NY, and the upcoming 2024 elections, will likely be a major topic of such Dissident Media.

It's just one more step in the drive to clamp down on Unofficial Information.

Be warned. And, get a radio/radio license. It could be the one thing - other than a gun - that will save your family from catastrophe.

Find a local club of radio amateurs here - ARRL. Connect with them, spend some time learning about equipment (many hams have MORE than enough radios, and will often sell you a gently used one at a very fair price). Learn how to use that radio.