Monday, March 14, 2022

Say It Loud, Say It Proud - Lia Thomas is a MAN

And, MEN have NO business being in FEMALE athletic competitions. Follow the link to read a more cogent explanation of why this is a non-starter.

It's Unfair.

It's Demoralizing to Actual Women.

It will destroy Women's Sports.

And, it is a devastating form of Sexual Harassment.


  1. I don't remember where I read it, but someone had a good thought: some really GOOD male swimmer should "declare as a woman," and compete, one time against "Lia." Defeat him soundly, and then, at the medal ceremony afterward, Take off the gold medal and hand it to the actual woman who came in third -- the actual fastest woman swimmer. Then walk off into the sunset, resuming his actual male identity and swimming in men's competitions. That might be enough to rid us of "Lia."
