Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Amnesty - Cui Bono?

Latin for "Who Benefits"?

Well, it sure isn't the poor.
Steve Camarota and Karen Ziegler of the Center for Immigration Studies reported last month that “since 2000, all of the net gain in the number of working-age (16 to 65) people holding a job has gone to immigrants (legal and illegal). This is remarkable given that native-born Americans accounted for two-thirds of the growth in the total working-age population."

[Bold is mine]

So, any gains in the economy have gone to NON-natives.  This would explain the "improving" job stats (I still think his people are playing with the numbers - each month, there has been corrections after the rosy improvements).  Better numbers, but, Americans are still jobless/temporary/part-time.

This is why we can't afford another minority in the White House - Non-White or Female - for some time.  Not because they wouldn't do a good job - they could hardly do WORSE - but, because they won't get a fair appraisal of their performance, which, in this case, is abysmal.  Minorities are still praising the President who has stabbed them in the back, all for Progressive ideology.

I don't get it - it's like watching a friend with an abusive spouse - you can use logic, but she's still going to defend the one that is slapping her around - "but he LOVES me!"  NOTHING you say - however true - gets through her defensive fog.  I don't know how to open her eyes to the truth.

Eventually, it will happen.  Eventually, there will come a moment that CAN'T be denied, when the obvious fact of his indifference to her welfare becomes clear, even to her.

Until then, don't waste your time.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Oh, The HORROR! KKK Resurgance!

Eh, probably not - the story here.

I'm guessing that those bozos are actively using the media to help hype their group.  The gathering is planned for August 9 in Davidson County - in the town of WELCOME, NC (LOVE that irony!).

I imagine there will be a few (considerably less than 100) bozos, a WHOLE lot of protesters, and media up the whazoo.

Lots of video, the potential of some injuries (remember the media slogan - "If it bleeds, it leads"), and no ultimate effect on life whatsoever.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

In a Temporary Lull

The Battle of the Border is at a temporary standstill.

Congress continues to struggle to investigate:

  • Benghazi

  • IRS

  • Fast & Furious

  • VA scandal

Elections are months away, and most Democrats are running for cover, and hoping to survive.

Republicans may have their own scandal in MS, with the Senate primary.  Pity - they should fully cooperate, and let the chips fall where they may.

I've an uneasy feeling - no particular reason - one of those "just before the storm" feelings.  I hope it's not justified.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Down Time

My summer has been split just about in half - the first part:

  • One week babysitting grandchildren

  • 2 weeks at a workshop

  • 1 week in Cleveland, organizing and cleaning

  • 2 weeks at home, organizing and cleaning

And, now, back in Cleveland for a few days.  Followed by:

  • 2 day STEM conference

  • 3 days learning how to be a mentor (with a few days of nothing scheduled in between)

  • Last 2 weeks of vacay

It all seems to go so fast.  One VERY positive part of this summer has been my commitment to exercising - I've been at the pool every day for the last few weeks.  Haven't seen much progress on the scale, but I'm moving more easily, and my clothes are fitting better.