Thursday, March 3, 2022

Fighting the Visceral Response

We all have it - I'm sure the emotional response is located deep back in the primitive brain. I fall prey to it - we all do, on occasion.

The stories coming out of the Russia-Ukraine war fed into our desire to see the 'Little Guy' shove back against 'The Bully'.

Fight that response. Distrust ALL that you hear from the Old Media.

Why would Putin risk putting his economy in freefall?

Because he stands to clear out a LOT of the moneyed oligarchy that form opposition to him. If he causes them to crash, he can pick up the pieces.

Don't forget - the actual RESOURCES and manufacturing infrastructure remain, after all the owners are cleaned out. And, they may have little alternative than to try to save some small part of their wealth in a fire sale.

Guess who the buyer would be? Putin and his allies who are going for the whole pot.

THAT'S why Putin is so cautious about allowing ANYONE to get close to him physically. He knows that his enemies, whom he is deliberately bankrupting, would gladly take him out.

He's not paranoid - he is realistic.

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