Sunday, April 25, 2021

Would THIS be Insurrection?

Oh, no. Of course not.

Only White People engage in insurrection.

Other Peoples engage in "peaceful protest".

Totes different.

Once again, a conservative blogger does a manful job of summarizing the evidence against the Deep State. It would be a shame to see this work disappear due to apathy. So, if you could, Share the link - on social media, in emails, in hard copy - see example here).

If we are to detach from social media, we need to find ways to build an offline presence in people's lives. Some of that is possible with email, personal contact, regular, planned or informal get-togethers (which - perhaps by design - the Left had made very difficult), and regular movement in the course of our day (again, restricted now).

But, consider using other means - the above mentioned hard copy distribution. Also, put together a small brochure for handing out. Particularly if some of the information in that brochure is useful, it may be retained for some time. Perhaps some tips about a subject you personally know something about:

  • Where to find various community resources
  • How to handle situations - what to do if stopped by the police (lawyers), how to handle a meeting at your child's school (teachers, parent advocates), first aid (first responders, nurses, etc), how to start canning (those who have done it). You get the idea - most of us have some knowledge that others would like to have access to - put that in a brochure.
  • References - Bill of Rights, hardiness zones for planting, names and contact info on local officials, football game schedule.
But, in addition to the hook for your brochure, also include some interesting facts about non-Leftist ideas, along with links (either Tinyurl or QR code - make it easy for them to use).Oh, yeah - THAT'LL go over well in the Red States. I suppose that all that land that Bill Gates is buying up with be turned over to soybeans and other non-meat uses?
This stinks of a plan to force ranchers to sell their land at fire sale prices - and I WONDER who will benefit from that?It's pretty well acknowledged that Ted Cruz is pretty smart - particularly about the Constitution, and the Supreme Court (before whom Cruz has argued 9 cases - probably more than any other currently serving Senator).
So, the law student trying to match wits with Cruz might have considered that before picking a fight - particularly one in which he was wrong, wrong, wrong.It would be super if actual evidence of fraud in GA's presidential election made it into the public eye at some point in my lifetime. But, I'm not holding my breath.
What IS possible - indeed, likely - is that the shady dealings of the state officials will be uncovered, and their access to public office be prohibited as part of their plea deal.I've long been in favor of women having ability to participate in government - particularly at the local level, as that is least disruptive to their family life.
But, the disgusting, underhanded ploys the Leftist women have engaged in, solely to promote their own career - and fatten their bank accounts - is likely to lessen their chances in the future.
I'm talking about their vindictive abuse power, their willingness to get down and dirty in smears, lies, and use of prosecution to undercut their opponents. I'm talking about the way that the families of politicians - particularly the entitled and truly not qualified wives - are placed in very well paid positions as a backdoor way of delivering a bribe to their powerful husbands. I'm talking about the way they skate and slide on charges, batting their eyelashes, and claiming complete ignorance of the underhanded deeds they've been caught committing. Well, I believe the complete ignorance part - they really are dumb as dirt.The Soros Secretary of State project continues to pay off - many of the facilitators-of-fraud got their positions thanks to that influx of cash.Really terrific news about Rep. Dan Crenshaw - his eye is healing well - so far - and his doctors are hopeful of a good recovery. I know most of you will join with me in praying for a full recovery.What's actually in the GA voting law changes? Less than you might think:
The Georgia law limits ballot drop boxes to places they can’t be tampered with (such as early voting sites), standardizes weekend voting hours, and asks people to write a driver’s license or Social Security number on absentee ballot envelopes.

Look, what it does is limit the many known ways organizations have used to stuff extra ballots for their candidate(s) into the mix. It means that LEGAL citizens have their vote count fully. And - this is why it is being fought, tooth and nail - it will likely mean the end of Democrat control of many of the legislative seats.

After that turnover, Dems will no longer have the protection of Congress to limit our Constitutional rights.

After that, it will be time to take back the legislatures in the most heavily infested states, capture the executive branch, and - once the new NON-Leftist president is sworn in, use that power to confront the Supreme Court Justices about the obvious pressure that was brought on them to "vote the right way". They can retire, citing health concerns, gracefully, but they need to go.

Understand, I'm not suggesting using blackmail to force the Justices out. That was already in place. I'm suggesting that, for the good of the country, they leave their position, and save themselves the embarrassment of being outed as a compromised vote for the Left.

It may not be them, personally, who was the target of the blackmail. It might have been a spouse or a child. It might have been a credible threat against their, or their family's safety. But, whatever it was, they show it in their sickly grins, their pained smiles, their clear knowledge that they are living a nightmare. 

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