Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Interesting Idea from the Z-Man


It's not the first time it's been said that the Left - at least it's various movements - are a religious cult.

But, this is the first time I've seen this explicit comparison to the way that changing rulers also meant that their subjects had to change their religion, too.

And, from what I can see, it's a valid idea. Those who become incensed at the NLDs (Non-Leftist Dissidents) refusal to buy into the new 'theology' do seem to be treating this refusal as a form of heresy. And, the subsequent punishments for this offence are in line with other reprisals for failing to fall in line with the King's New Religion.

I don't always agree with this blogger - but he is on my regular reading list.

Because, I am not a Wimpy Little Baby, who is "triggered" by hearing speech that doesn't affirm my preconceived notions completely.

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