Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Is the "Belief" That the Dems Stole the Election REALLY So False?

I don't like the word "Belief". It is tainted by the nearness to a religious 'belief' - one that cannot be proven or disproven by logical or scientific means.

Rather, I use the word "Suspicion". That is one that means "I haven't the evidence to definitely prove/disprove my hypothesis, but the probabilities seem to line up with that as a good explanation for the known facts".

In fact, there is NO amount of evidence that would persuade someone of the BELIEF that the election was fair and incontestable to change their mind. The extreme lengths that the Left is going to keep any evidence from surfacing - shredding ballots, trying to hide the actual machines that were used in the election tallying, until they can be re-programmed for the next election, thereby rendering it impossible to find any proof, running sufficient ballots to change the lead from Trump to Biden - all in the middle of the night, without GOP or non-Dem observers, and with trucks, vans, and cars delivering boxes of ballots - all without any chain of custody (contrary to state laws) - well, MAYBE it all has an innocent explanation, but gamblers tend to call that a fixed game.

Really, so many of the "MUST-BELIEVE" notions of the Left - that shady doings in a few states that HAPPENSTANTIALLY favor only one party, that men are "really" women (with penis and other danglies intact), and that women are EVERY BIT AS STRONG as men (evidence to the contrary readily available) - force us to "ignore the science" - and math, and logic, and all of the other ways that RATIONAL people put their beliefs to an impartial test.

Sorry for the CAPS!!!!

The Left has many beliefs (with no proof), and yet they continue to think of themselves as the Rational Side:

  • That the louder you scream, the more true and right your cause - unless you oppose the Left's cause, in which case you are a Nazi!
  • That Womyn are just exactly the same as men, except for the 'fact' that they are Better, and Braver, and More Worthy. Ignore all that 'icky' stuff about impartial fitness tests that say otherwise.
  • That emotional displays prove the righteousness of your side. The greater the display of emotionalism, the more righteous you are.
  • That questioning anything a Womyn says is worthy of banishment from all public and private places.
  • That if two equally drunk/impaired people make the idiotic choice to engage in sex, the one that is Female is completely without blame for it; the Male is a sexist, evil, soulless bastard who deserves to lose his job, education, and money, as well as any hope of a future. Whether or not the act was initiated by the Womyn. Whether or not there is evidence that puts the Womyn's accusations in doubt (other people's testimony, admission by the Womyn, video, text).
I'm a big believer in the power of memes. A punchy graphic gets the point across better than any number of words. Feel free to copy and paste the meme below into any social media account you like (I'd appreciate your mentioning RAU - TNG, and including the URL - https://rau-tng.blogspot.com)
Folks, if that, alone, is not reason to conclude that the United States of America is OVER, nothing will. We are Officially in a Banana Republic.
Note: the above linked article about Banana Republics thinks TRUMP is the problem - oh, Brother! As Biden would say:
Marlakey! Corn Pop! It's all about the TRRWAFTDFGmrenffdpsif[rtgtgbodg!
TRANSLATION: Yep! I like Bananas, and anyone who disagrees needs to be put up against a wall and SHOT!

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