Thursday, November 11, 2021

Meme Thursday - 11/11/2021

And, have a Happy Veteran's Day. Don't forget to tell them how much you appreciate their service.

Google, for once, actually has a Doodle that shows some understanding that veterans are not all crazed killers. The Doodle shows a vet's face, with the body part split between their service uniform and the work they did after the service. It will likely not surprise you that the faces are Black man, White Woman, Black/POC man (it's hard to judge his ethnicity precisely), Black woman, Disabled White man, and Asian man. The only White man is safely depicted as disabled (the threat of violence has been neutered).

This is ridiculous - even now, 71% of active-duty men are White, about 53% of the military women are White. Just under 17% of military are Black men, yet the Doodle shows that percentage as 1/3, over twice the representation. And, Black women comprise 29% of military members, yet they are shown as 1/2 of the true percentage.

On to the Memes of the Week!

Reality Bites is a new comic - I'm looking forward to more of the guy's work. If you want to check it out, here's the link - feel free to drop a few dineros in the tip jar.

I'm not adamant about holding off until Christmas, but the day after Halloween (or even jostling for space on the shelves with jack-o-lanterns) seems unduly early. Don't forget to get the shopping done early, if the product is being shipped from abroad. Even better, buy American-made, if you can. Or, do what we have done in the past (we were absolutely broke at the time) - hit the local resale shops. There are a LOT of toys and new/nearly new clothing there, and with the bonuses of saving money and keeping that money out of China's hands.

This one expresses my thoughts on the status of those "women".

Yes, it IS rushing Christmas, but so funny.

This guy is my hero. He both worked at NASA, and invented a toy beloved of families that specialize in Family Wars. My kids are partial to Nerf Wars, and own an impressive array of munitions and ammo, but we also enjoy the water gun fights.

When the I'm-a-Christian-so-I-can-tell-you-how-to-live people start whining about how Christians SHOULD behave, this is my response.

Have to love a company that doesn't take itself too seriously

And, with that thought, I'm off to indulge in some serious work avoidance.

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