Thursday, May 27, 2021


There's a meme going around. It is an official-looking answer to the question:

Can a business ask its employees if they are vaccinated?

Technically correct. However, many of those posting this are using it to justify a business banning customers that won't wear a mask or disclose their vaccinated status.

That would be wrong, as it violates ADA - the Americans with Disabilities Act. This was extended to provide protection to HIV+ and AIDS patients, when they were visiting businesses, but refused service because of fear of contagion. Therefore, barber shops, should they accidentally nick a customer, and cause blood flow (it happens sometimes), have to treat ALL of them as though they were HIV+, and don gloves, clean up as though it were hazardous waste, and so on. Can't just do it for the positive, because it would be a violation to single them out.

It will come to the Supreme Court, should the Left hold the line on stigmatizing the unvaccinated. Even though a bottom-of-the-class law student could follow the logical implications of treating just one class of person as though the ADA did not apply, and rule against that treatment, whether the Supremes will buckle under and rule, "Yes, the law is clear about this, but we're going to ignore it because of the following tortured pseudo-logic".

ALL of the Justices ruling in such a way should be targeted for investigation of their ethics, scandals, and vulnerability to blackmail. They should then - quietly - be presented with the evidence against them, and given the suggestion that it will all go away, if they retire for health reasons.

Then, give the same treatment to any potential justice with an agenda coming up for nomination. Tit for tat, baby!

Sigh. It's VERY unlikely that this will happen, but I can dream.

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