Tuesday, May 18, 2021

A Message From a Liberal Thinker

 It's surprisingly mild. And, the pointed criticism of the Leftist refusal to look at the disparate impact - based on class differences - of the COVID responses, is sadly needed.

However, it leans too far in trying to bring in the Dissident Non-Left. 

This is not surprising! Americans are not actually polarized. We’re pretty united over the major issues: We want police and prison reform. We want a higher minimum wage, a public healthcare option, legalization of marijuana, access to firearms within reason, and first term abortions. The polarization is only at the top, or over symbols of the class divide like Trump. 

Uh, no, honey. There are significant differences:

  • We'd like the average person who works to be able to enjoy more disposable income. But that is NOT best achieved by raising the minimum wage. It is helped by easing restrictions, and the expense, of starting a business. It is also assisted by reducing fees, licensing, and taxes.
  • Public Healthcare 'Option' - nothing OPTIONAL about most of those remedies. And, the demand that they be 'Comprehensive' is a major factor in their unaffordability. Don't get me started on the way that so many of the recipients pay not ONE dime towards their care. Frankly, EVERYONE should have to pay a co-pay for their treatment. Even if that's ONE DOLLAR.
  • Legalization of marijuana? Personally, I doubt that the end result will be a good one, but I'm not personally invested enough to stop this. I do suggest that public intoxication, from ANY substance, be grounds to toss them in a slammer overnight. And, to kick a kid out of school for a day or two, at least.
  • Gun access, Within REASON? No. Just - no. What the Left calls reasonable would take away our 2nd Amendment RIGHT. We don't need permission. Just leave us the hell alone.
  • First-term abortions? While that is likely to be the maximum we can get at this point, many would prefer to see a nation where such an act was VERY rare, and only for strictly MEDICAL purposes, limited to the gravest conditions. Such as ectopic pregnancy.
When it comes to the levels of agreement on philosophy, this lady is completely deluding herself. It's still worth reading, if only to remind ourselves just how far apart we are on principles. The only real reason she is trying to play the Common Ground game is that she can see that their Woke Stance is losing them voters.

She seems to be a 'nice person'. She is invested in the idea that there is a way to bring American citizens (and others) together in a vaguely familial way to work towards the blandest social goals she can imagine. And, that, if she just backs off the extreme limits of her goals, she can coax the recalcitrant to join in.

Not gonna happen.

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