Monday, February 14, 2022

The Answer is - No, Of Course, She Does NOT

And, the question is:

Does Hillary Clinton have ANY sense of shame for her MANY crimes?

So far, the Official Media have ZERO interest in any of this. Never have, never will.

Someone needs to make up a high school curriculum - with required reading from NLD texts - that fills in the blank spots that will surely show up in the Official History Curriculums of The No-Of-COURSE-We're-Not-Leftists Academic Left.

That sounds like something that should be tackled by Ashland University's Ashbrook Center programs in Government and History. Some of the programs are for undergraduates, others at the graduate-level, as well as some online seminars.

Sarah Palin's case against the NYT has gone to the jury. Amazingly, today's NYT didn't see fit to make much mention of the fact.

It would be NICE if she could score a win against them, but the odds are heavily against that. If she does win, expect an appeal.

When protecting yourself or your organization against litigation, TRUTH may not be a defense. The triple-threat lodged against you by a partisan states includes:

  • Misinformation - that which is false, but not intended to cause harm to anyone
  • Disinformation - that which is false, AND intended to harm opponents (Hillary Clinton is quite experienced at this), and
  • Malinformation - that which is TRUE, but, according to the government, intended to harm opponents. Like saying that Hillary committed a crime when she destroyed documents as Secretary of State.
The Washington Times has a very nice report about whether to release the findings of an investigation of the GA voting machines. I noticed a name, and checked it out. 

Nina Totenberg is the GA judge making decisions about whether to release the investigation report. The report is highly critical of the GA machines from Dominion. Naturally, the Connected Elites (I think I'll shorten that to ConEls for future reference) are horrified to think that the "Little People" will have access to that information. So, they are working - double-time - to keep the information out of sight.

That's cute.

Apparently, in the Age of Internet, the ConEls really do believe that they can work their "magic", simply by putting pressure on a few selected points. It gives me some hope for an end to our Current State of Oppression, that the Ruling Oligarchy is so clueless and incompetent.

Listen, the "Little People" are Awake, Aware, and increasingly Locked and Loaded. Their communications include all of the latest tools - SnapChat, Instagram, Rumble, and the rest, as well as sophisticated use of Zoom and other video conferencing tools, and, yes, even the old-school FTF message, voice calls, flyers - the list goes on.

One of the BIGGEST growth areas for Amateur Radio is Preppers - and, not all of them are bothering with the FCC license.

Amazingly, some of the newbs don't trust government! 

Oh, did I mention that Judge Amy Totenberg just HAPPENS to be the sister of the NPR biggie, Nina Totenberg?

Nina Totenberg is the legal affairs correspondent for National Public Radio (NPR) focusing primarily on the activities and politics of the Supreme Court of the United States

The Wall Street Journal editorialist Paul Gigot wrote in 1991 that Totenberg exhibits partisanship in her reporting.[38] Washington Post reporter Thomas Edsall said in 1995 that she was cited as an example of liberal bias in public broadcasting due to her reporting on two controversial Supreme Court nominations.
Well, then, no need for Judge Amy to recuse herself from the case.

The Canadian Trucker Protest, despite not getting much coverage (The Super Bowl was SO much more important!), continues. And, the Legacy Media continues to carry water for the Rich and Powerful.

Dang! I'm OLD! I remember when protests were labeled as "Fiery, but Peaceful".

The Internet is forever, Baby!

Our 'Legacy Media' - PJ Media - is apparently better at their job than the Old Legacy Media.

Something NOT directly allied to Intelligence, but more to the growth of agencies and bureaucracies in general, is the idea of Baseline Budgeting. That's the idea that the previous year's budget is the STARTING POINT for next year's. The only question is, how much MORE could they get?

I'd suggest a NEW plan of attack.

In any year that doesn't have an actual budget passed, ALL parts of the Federal government are CUT 10%. NO exceptions.


Then, it's up to the agencies, departments, CONGRESS and the WHITE HOUSE, and - yes, EVEN THE ENTITLEMENTS - to cut their budget to fit their new amount.

Starting with MANDATORY reduction of 5% in EVERY employee's pay.

That should give them some incentive to stop loading up the budget with pork.

But, generally, I'm with Conservative Treehouse's idea to focus FIRST on local, then state, and only federal after they have been taken care of.

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