Sunday, February 20, 2022

Listen, Listen, Listen...There Should be a Shot Fired Soon, That Will Be Heard Round the World

It's coming - Jack Wylder, on Monster Hunter Nation was writing about it today.  He calls it "Peak Woke".

Whatever. It's becoming clear that people are paying attention to the signs - you know, those signs that the Entitled Elite just don't seem to see?

Funny how the Privileged never seem to see those shelves. I guess when you order from GrubHub, or dine in the pricier joints, you just don't gain an awareness that the kind of places the Regular People shop at - the affordable places, like Aldi's and Costco and Walmart, have gaping holes in their inventory.

Now, that IS partly the shipping mess that Lil Joey allowed to happen, when he entrusted that ID10T Pete Buttigieg with his job as Secretary of Transportation (and that he took a "necessary" vacay from when he and his "husband" adopted their child - excuse me - CHILDREN).

But, it's mostly the on-going nervousness of a country filled with edgy CITIZENS, who can see the way the wind is blowing (hint: the CITIZENS are preparing to hunker down and live off their stores of food and other provisions). That prep is a REALLY GOOD INDICATION that they don't trust the A$$HOLES allegedly running this country to keep money and food flowing in a regular manner.

Told'ja that the average person is a smart cookie.

Don't forget that there is a downside to electronic banking. I'm not sayin' that I'm smarter - a good sized portion of my wealth (such as it is) is in e-format - retirement checks, retirement savings, Social Security deposits, savings. If the banks aren't making my money available, I'm toast.

Actual CA$H is rare - dollar bills, and, even better, COINS (which we were TOLD are in shortage because of Perfectly Normal Happenings).

What's REALLY happening with the coins?

People - mostly average CITIZENS, like you and me, are keeping them. They're hanging onto the coins, because they can imagine a time, in the not-distant future, when cash will NOT be there for regular people like them. They want to have some access to their money, when that day comes.

Which it will, sweetie. It WILL.

And, likely, sooner than you expect.

As for Canada, rumors are flying faster than Elites escaping the mob. Unfortunately, most of the people will be unwilling to accept any alternative to the wildest rumors, as their trust is just about completely broken.

A major consequence of the disinformation campaigns is the pretty much everyone is distrustful of official reports. They assume that the government, and the news, is lying their a$$e$ off.

Which, to be fair, in some/most cases, they are. But, that means that no amount of "talking points" or "Fact-checking" will breach the mistrust of the populace.

That's bad news - VERY bad news - for the Entitled Elite.

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