Monday, February 21, 2022

Monday Miscellany - 2/21/2022

 Just a quick reminder - tomorrow is 2/2/22 - and, yes, it happens on a TWO-sday! Plan on a Taco Twosday - with a friend, so, TWO of you celebrating, and enjoy the silliness!

Is this REALLY important?

No. But, life is also to be enjoyed!

Speaking of enjoyment, I'm really getting my jollies seeing the news coming out about Durham's investigation, and where it is leading. I'm tamping down my excitement - I've seen the scurvy villains (the Clintons and all their ilk) escape many times before, but - hell, ya' gotta have HOPE!

The Canadians aren't backing down - and, in this video, it's the female cop that is getting infuriated by the refusal to comply.

One tactic from the Powerline post, that is being used against protesters, is to physically remove them, put them in police transport, and dump them far from the protest, in the cold, and no easy way to return. Well, that's not new. Cops have done that before, with hobos and other disruptive people. This is, rightly, called kidnapping, and it will be instructive to see whether the courts roll over and play dead about it.

For all the Left is parading their Liberal Tropes, such as glorifying Banned Books Week, they seem to have no trouble attacking one of the biggest-selling authors of all time - and a WOMAN.

Some would feel compelled to add "Cis-Woman". I don't. Actual women are the NORM. Trans "women" are the oddity. As, BTW, are foot fetishists, BDSM practitioners, and adults who engage in baby-talk and spanking.


As long as I am not being forced to watch, and no children or other defenseless people/animals are involved, I don't care.

Via Wilder, Wealthy, Wise blog (don't miss them - new posts come out on M-W-F), is a link to an article by The Brownstone Institute. They're a new voice on the Net, first publishing after its May, 2021 conception. They purport to be a Classical Liberal institute, and the linked piece is about the World Economic Forum, and the Covid-connected people/organizations that are part of it.

I've been slowly working my way through the articles on the site - there are MANY, and I think it's worth checking out.

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