Monday, July 4, 2022

Thoughts Inspired by the Dobbs Decision

The first link was found on First Things. It's a good one to share with younger people, to help them start thinking through the consequences of their actions.

The issue of "Federalism" - which, apparently, does not mean what it seems to. When I first heard the term used, I thought that it meant a system that kept all the power at the federal level.

Blame my rather typical Baby Boomer education - although most of my Social Studies teachers were Korean War vets, and generally more Conservative/Libertarian than not, still, by that point, some rot had crept in. MOST of those teachers accepted that the Federal government had the right to step into how states managed their governance (largely due to the Civil Rights efforts, which the Left - all too many of them Socialists and outright Communists).

That's the intent of the 10th Amendment. That Amendment should be the focus of future efforts to hem in the Feds. BTW, to remind you:

That's what 'ya might call UNambiguous. Short, pithy, and direct.

There's a hunger for freedom, awakened in the average American. They are eager to throw off the "You-Must-Say-This, You-Must-NOT-Say-That" shackles. A recent event at UATX (University of Austin TX) found that out, when they offered students the opportunity to hear from censored speakers, and speak freely.

I love the way Time Magazine uses the term "fortify" to re-write the reality that Leftists, along with the media, NGOs of the Left, and corporate interests, used a secret process - and a WHOLE LOTTA MONEY - to make sure that the "right candidate" - Joe Biden - 'won'.

It wasn't a conspiracy (which it was), it wasn't a plot (which it was), it wasn't an attempt to manufacture or "legitimize" votes (which it was).

No. The conspirators were simply "Fortifying" our Democracy (which it is NOT - I hardly have to say that The United States of America is a Republic). And, by "Fortified", they mean that the (few) parts of it which they approve of, will be kept, and the (MANY) parts that thwart their Leftist Aims, will be trashed. And, those that even MENTION those parts will be suppressed with all the force they can muster (even if they have to use extra-legal force).

So, on this celebration of the start of the USA, try not to focus on such gloomy thoughts. There is time enough for them, over the next months and years (perhaps decades).

Instead, that unhealthy, fat and sugar laden feast with friends and family, watch Yankee Doodle Dandy for the umpteenth time, perhaps follow up with a DVD of Rigged (I got the DVD - I've seen too many viedos that "unexpectedly" get removed from Youthbe) or 2000 Mules (at $20, a bargain), or maybe a streamed montage of the 2016 election - complete with hysterical womyn or facsimile of the same.

Happy Refusal to Buckle Under to Tyranny and Overwhelming Forces Day!

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