Thursday, December 16, 2021

Just One Criticism of the "Infrastructure" Bill

I was reading, in Real Clear Politics, about one of the provisions in the bill:

Section 40541 provides “grants for energy efficiency improvements and renewable energy improvements at public school facilities,” while Title XI — “Clean School Buses and Ferries” — establishes a “clean school bus program and an Electric or low-emitting ferry pilot program.”

I realize that Sleepy Joe and the Gang have been living in relatively mild Washington, D.C. for some time. They may not be aware of the reality away from the coastal areas, where the weather is not moderated by the Caribbean Jet Stream, that sends warmer waters up the East Coast. 

That stream is why, when I went to Myrtle Beach in early June one year, I found the waters to be warm - really warm, almost body temperature. It was a pleasant surprise.

But, on the other hand, when we look at the average temps in New England, states along the Canadian border, and the Rockies, I gotta tell 'ya,

It's pecker-freezing cold most of the winter.

Because of this, I'm well aware that starting the school buses, which, despite being run on gasoline or diesel, are started up via the same means that all cars are, an electric ignition starter.

Even when the buses are stored in garages, it can be a challenge to get them to turn over.

I knew what would happen with an electric vehicle. You'd be closing school every time the thermometer hovered around the mid-20s (which, for those of us still using Fahrenheit, is BELOW freezing). Never mind when the temps plummeted below that.

Now, how realistic is that scenario, in this "time of global warming"?

In 2020, in January, 16 days fell below freezing.

In 2019, same month, 22 days.

The mean low temperature for January is 22.3.  

Which means that a LOT of kids would be stuck waiting for the bus, in freezing weather, for extended periods of time.

Or, more likely, the parents would have to take them, in their individual, big-ass, non-electric vehicles. Thereby defeating the purpose of the electric school buses.

There are other things to dislike about the bill - a LOT - but this one hit a topic I know something about.

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