Wednesday, September 14, 2022

The Left Can't Find Nazis? They'll Provide Their OWN!

The bizarre sight of Biden going all Demagogue Hitler on a dark, red-light stage has to rank as one of the strangest events of the year. And, it's been a VERY strange year.

The Left is ready - nay, EAGER - to fight 'The Nazis/Fascists' among us. They don't let the fact that there are only a miniscule number of Americans who are even SLIGHTLY attracted to that philosophy stop them from smearing the entire group of American Dissidents.

So, they keep trying, harder and harder, to take out those Dissidents who they have chosen as Example Fascists, and throwing all the power of an overstuffed government on 'those people'.

To no avail.

What they don't realize is that the Dissidents are largely self-organized and use shared leadership structures that divide the power and responsibility among its members.

Ultimately, we - individually - are responsible for the continuance of the Constitutional Republic. We need to push back from within our communities, and stop the Power Overreach.

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