Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Missing the Obvious

Somehow, in this Breathless Love-the-City Piece from the Style section, the NYT has missed the obvious answer to the question:

Why are New Yorkers eating earlier now?

The NYT blames:

  • Work from home enthusiasts eager to put a marker in the end of their work day
  • Covid curfews that lead restaurants to close earlier
  • Lack of grateful workers to serve their betters
  • Prioritizing sleep over a social life
  • And, my personal favorite excuse, 'rejection of corporate hegemony'.
So what reasons could there be that haven't been explored?

How about the desire to get back home, and behind a locked set of doors, before the 'Youths' hit the streets and raise havoc?

Nah. COULDN'T be that the sophisticated, urbane city-dwellers are avoiding contact with the - uh, more VIBRANT residents of the city, could it?

Silly me for even suggesting it.

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