Thursday, August 25, 2022

Down Time

I'm still working sporadically on my insurance recertifications. And, gradually reducing my heavy involvement in day to day family issues. My sister is healing - she can even put her foot on the ground - gingerly - and will be doing PT exercises for many weeks. My grandson FINALLY got enrolled and registered in his new school - Kindergarten. On his first day, he made some friends, so that's good. There will be ups and downs, but having friends by his side will help.
I've not been sleeping well lately, so am reading in bed at night. I've picked up some old books on Kindle - Helen MacInnes spy stories. Very entertaining, and they could have been ripped from the headlines today. We've been fighting the forces of We-Know-Better-Than-You-How-You-Should-Live, a group that is prepared to impose their rule by force - for Our Own Good.
MacInnes is mostly concerned about the Reds and the Anarchists, and her concern is Western Civilization. In her time, it was experiencing a considerable amount of stress.
Today's book is The Hidden Target, filled with young revolutionaries and bombings, and willingness to use others to achieve their nefarious goals. I'm less than 20% into the book, and I simply cannot put it down.
I have things to do, but really don't want to just now. I'm horribly spoiled about discipline just now.
In my spare time, I've been passing along memes. Here's one that caught my fancy.

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