Wednesday, August 25, 2021

The Mistake of Making Decisions on Emotion

We all do it (well, maybe not Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates).

We've impulsively accepted a job, only to regret it within a short time. Many continue on, concerned about 'looking flighty', and suffering through a prolonged terrible experience.

Others, less concerned about what others might think, quickly quit and start looking for a new job (or, secure a job - any job - ASAP, then give notice).

Same with relationships. They are usually entered into with high emotion and expectations. They are often ended with equally high NEGATIVE emotion.

One of the better things churches do (not all of them, but many) is to sit the couple down, and ask some pointed questions designed to take the emotion out of the decision, and ask if this union makes logical sense:

  • Does the couple agree on having children, if, when, and how many? How will they handle child care?
  • Where will they ideally live? Is their income sufficient for that now? What plans do they have to change that?
  • Is one of them in an unstable industry, or frequently required to move for job purposes? How will they handle that?
  • What role do they envision the parents of the couple having? Where will they spend holidays; will that continue after having children?
  • Questions about drinking, drug use, fidelity.
  • Spending habits, and a statement of their debts and assets.
Couples who cannot answer these questions, may be advised to put off the wedding until they can.

And, yet, the world WANTS us to tap into the emotional side of our nature when making decisions:
  • You DESERVE to buy this pricey car!
  • Go ahead, have the expensive and calorie-laden chocolate!
  • Showing models exercising on expensive equipment, and implying that you, too, will look like that after buying a Peloton.
  • Vote for This Asshole Politician! If you don't, you hate Black People!
  • If you don't wear this mask, you're a BAD person who WANTS to make people sick!
  • Their politician hates: Women, Black People, kids, the poor, etc. Vote AGAINST him by casting your vote for this person that we promise, pinky swear, is the next thing to a saint.
And, on and on.

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