Monday, June 28, 2021

A Back-Door Way to Kill Gun Rights

Ace of Spades is calling "The British are Coming" in today's post.

The use of rental agreements/leasing terms to clap down on gun support and possession, block open expressions of NLD views, and use this to pressure families to fall into line with ProFa doctrine, is a growing concern. If you could own a house that will be targeted for abusive zoning, taxation, and city regulatory abuse, while the rental units will not only be exempt from that harassment, but potentially eligible for financial incentives, preferential treatment in school assignment, and job preferences.

I'm guessing on the last part, but a guess with some history to my hunch.

We need to re-label the Hard-Left, much like the Pro-Abortion forces re-christened the Pro-Life activists as the Anti-Choice group.

Why should we accept a name that brings up connotations of the Good Guys of WWII? Instead, we need to start calling them ProFa, and hammer down on their Fascist behaviors:
  • Silencing their opponents with violence and threats.
  • Refusal to all full discussion of the issues, instead shouting down their opponents and insisting that their speech is "violence".
  • Use of the legislature, courts, and bureaucrats to enforce their positions. When that fails, use the media to defame them.
  • Street thugs used to pressure government officials, private businesses, and any vocal opponents.
  • Getting regulations in place that justify their illegal actions.
  • Offering financial incentives for individuals, groups, and corporate interests to support their control.
  • Collusion with the legal system - putting their supporters in influential jobs, where they can get those committing crimes released with little to no consequence.
  • Identifying opponents as a group that may be targeted without consequence. This is Jews in many ProFa circles, particularly academia, but also Asians and White/non-compliant Blacks, as well.
Please share this online. Label them. Make them regret they ever included the term Fascist in their identity.

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