Wednesday, June 29, 2022

The Coming Grid Failures

Avoidable - almost completely avoidable. And, likely to cause many deaths.

A working energy system - NOT powered by unicorns and fairy tales - is essential to a modern society. We have hit a crisis point.

  1. The supply system is trashed. Both the shipping screw-ups, and the diesel shortages/ridiculous prices are the major contributors to that mess. ALL have been allowed to happen by political and corporate action. The politicians have bent their knees to the Enviro-Nuts, and corporate has attempted to go around barriers to American manufacture and sales by outsourcing everything except their own bodily functions. As a result, when these delicaely balanced systems fail - as they almost inevitably will - chaos ensues.
  2. Deliberate "shortages" of essential inputs to American business - power, people to move goods, stockpiles of essential goods without punitive taxes being imposed on them, raw materials mining/manufacture at a competitive price, and a host of other government-imposed barriers to Free Trade within American borders, have all contributed to thte mess. The Enviro-Nuts provide the EXCUSE for regulations and legislations; the problem is that too many people in a position to impose a stranglehold have gained power, and are loath to lose it.
  3. Hardening the grid against physical or cyber-attacks is a program that Trump tried to get moving. In the future, when a president identifies a security risk, and the bureaucrats/placeholders refuse to implement it, those obstructionists need to be FIRED. Immediately. That is why I'm increasingly supporting DeSantis for 2024 - Trump talks a good game, and certainly had some successes, but DeSantis has a track record that is better.

Good to know. Nice to know that our REAL masters are on the job.

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