Thursday, January 27, 2022

It's Hard to Remain Optimistic These Days

I try. I regularly include some surfing of humor sites, always make the time to read and pass along the jokes from social media, and am generally the one to impute benevolent reasons for peoples' acting in terrible ways.

But, it's hard - and, getting harder.  This piece on The Great Liquidation is just one reason it's so difficult to remain optimistic. The rapid and determined destruction of America is taking place, and we are hard-put to stop the Destroyers. We may be wiped out, both monetarily and in resources, before the next election - and, by that, I'm referring to the November 2022 mid-terms.

Retirees will take it on the chin. Social Security will likely be gone for all but the lowest level recipients. Inflation, and the havoc it wreaks on fixed incomes, will take out those of us who denied themselves during their working years to save up some money for retirement. The combination of rising home prices, rising home borrowing costs, and fewer people who can afford to buy, means that, unless the retirees plan to live in their homes until they die, they are sitting on a pile of bricks that is an "asset" only in name.

Naturally, there will be 2-tiered medical care - good for the connected and government workers. Inaccessible and - if available - poor for the proles. Lots of good narcotics, of course. LAVISH suicide offerings for the ill. Actual treatment for most? Non-existent.

Seed-saving, and home gardens, are likely to be crimes, and punished severely. Frugal living, or sensible preparation for food or resource shortages, that is not government-approved, will be re-classified as a selfish act of hoarding.

Home-schooling, where not explicitly banned, will result in lowered food rations.

In other words, prepare to live in Commie Hell.

UPDATE: I saw a video about "tofu-dreg" - literally, the shoddily-built edifices/residences that use sub-standard materials, and appear not to be meant to be occupied, merely invested in, and sold to others for the same purpose of sheltering savings.

There appears not to be any way to move money out of China. From the comments in the topmost link:

The CCP seems intent on accelerating the crisis. When Chinese officials are busted for corruption, they show pictures of their apartments stacked with literally tons of currency and stacks of bullion. You have to wonder what they planned to do with it. They couldn’t flee the country without chartering an air freighter and it’s probably hard, even in China, to spend a pallet of cash without exciting comment. The economy doesn’t even work well enough to allow decent money laundering.

 In America, less of a problem (Although, the issue of not having ways for people to save/invest against inflation IS a problem. Most people are distrustful of the stock market - for good reason. Income housing USED to be a way to invest for the future. No longer - the "rent moratoriums" have KILLED that).

Buy a relatively small place with some land, pay it off, and hunker down might be the wave of the future.

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