Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Woke vs. Powerful

The so-called "Woke" women are said to be frightening the Knuckledraggers of the USA (K.O.T.U.). In the non-Woke Super Mario Brothers movie, Princess Peach is said to be an example of Empowered Female Warrior in the Woke tradition.


Powerful female warriors have been around for a LONG time. In the original Conan the Barbarian, Sandahl Bergman (a 6 foot woman, who was a professional dancer and very fit) played the part of Valeria, a very capable fighter. In the film, she did her own stunts. Her most memorable line was a taunt to Conan when he hesitated to take on the villains:

Do you want to live forever?

She was one of the best parts of the film. And, as a non-anorexic, athletic woman, her fighting skills were more believable (unlike the MANY gurls in film who, at less than 120 pounds, successfully defeat 250 pound or more fit men.

I like a good fight scene, but that just is WRONG. That is simply NOT GONNA HAPPEN.

Because, Physics.

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