Saturday, October 23, 2021

Behind the Hype of China's Military Capability

I'm not gonna say it's IMPOSSIBLE that China does have a nuclear capability that is far above what we have in the USA.

But, it sure is unlikely.

Think about skirmishes on the China-India border in 2020-2021. Troops of both countries fought to defend their own country's claim to territory. As you can see from the video, it was a no-guns battle that showed how clubs, swords, and spears still have a use in border disputes (as they do in many neighborhood brawls).

Why no guns?

Neither China nor India want a "hot" war. Such a conflict level would be hugely damaging to their economies. Even though both countries have extensive land armies, they do not want that conflict to turn so kinetic as to trigger all-out war.

Now, with that in mind, I'm gonna go out on a limb and state that I don't believe China is eager for, nor prepared for, an actual war. The "news" about their hypersonic capabilities, and the belligerence they have recently shown towards both America, and their allies in the South Pacific, is merely designed to influence the Nervous Nellies in the Biden administration.

IRL, China is weak. They have real opposition, both with their own people, and with Taiwan and Hong Kong, as well. When protests start up, China will step in and threaten, use stealth methods for eliminating opponents, and use technological means to cut off communications. All of which can be done at little cost, and low risk of tipping off a kinetic action.

But, America's Left being, well, LEFT, the Biden-Harris administration will likely fold quickly, and put the USA in a bad position.

Same Old, Same Old.

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