Friday, June 18, 2021

Mistakes vs. Criminal Acts

I get irritated about the common explanation after some is caught breaking the law:

I made a mistake

No, you did NOT.

You committed a CRIMINAL offense, and, only after having your CRIME revealed, and in danger of JAIL, did you decide that you were "truly sorry" for "having made a mistake".

Let me explain what mistakes are:
  • You drop something breakable (and, were not trying to juggle it at the time).
  • You write the wrong year on a form, in the first weeks of the New Year.
  • You are horribly math-challenged (now, isn't that a nicer way to say Dumb as Dirt?), and bounced a check.
  • Or, you and your spouse BOTH wrote some checks, and are now overdrawn (happened TWICE in the first years of our marriage - we learned to ASK before writing a check or using a check card).
  • You blurted out a remark, and hurt someone's feelings/outraged them. If it was an accident, apologize, and expect that it will take some time (if ever) to repair the relationship. If you MEANT it, own up to it.
  • Attention wander while driving? Cause a fender-bender? Yeah, I'd classify that as a mistake.
  • Deliberately drink/drug, and cause the same damage or worse? NOT a mistake.
So, no, the actions of this Democrat (and any others who colluded with him, or knowingly went along with it), are NOT a mistake. It was a DELIBERATE effort to subvert the election process, and disparately benefited in a partisan way, That would be a violation of the laws on using public funds for partisan purposes. As such, they constitute a FELONY, and should carry BOTH jail time, and a LIFETIME prohibition from voting and any participation in politics or public service. That should extend to anyone that benefited from those actions - i.e., the elected official.

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