Monday, March 14, 2016

Are You Also Getting Depressed About This Election?

I haven't felt this hopeless since 1980.  At that time, I was planning to vote for Anderson (boy, that was a wasted vote), thereby giving the election to Reagan.

When Reagan was elected, I thought the world had ended - Obviously, Reagan would unleash war that would destroy civilization as we know it.

That not only didn't happen, but during those Reagan/Bush I years, I was able to return to school, become a teacher, buy our first house, and begin to get some stability in our lives.

We've had some ups and down since then, but the general trend has been upward.

However, during those same years, the culture has continued its already-evident slide into coarseness, filth, and vulgarity. Music videos morphed from interesting and fun (Thriller) to sleazy and degrading to women.  That may be just what happens on the road with the band, but I didn't want to see it, and the shows that continued the slide:

  • Dallas

  • Melbourne Place

  • 90210

  • "Real" Housewives of -----------

  • The Bachelor and all of its imitators

I could go on and on, but I think most people know the downward slide.  While SOME effort was initially made to mask the cursing and vulgarity, now most shows don't even bother to "Bleep" it.

Each day brings a greater escalation of violence in the political arena.  Donald vocally eggs on a "pushy" supporter, and the next speech brings in protesters eager to mix it up.  What's next - death?

Cleveland is my home town.  I would hate for it to be known for unbridled violence, but with Bill Ayers (leader with the Weathermen in the 60's) promising to show up, it could get nasty. 

I'll post more later 0 right now I'm working in getting of a cold.


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