Thursday, June 28, 2012

Personal Update

This has been one of the driest periods I've had in the years that I've been blogging.  It was due to physical illnesses and pretty much total exhaustion.

In the last year, I've:

  • Injured my knee - torn ligament

  • Had flare-ups in pain management for some old wrist and elbow injuries

  • Contracted pneumonia

  • Suffered through a bout of bronchitis - during which, I pulled some rib muscles - I'm still in pain, and getting chiropractic treatment 2-3 times a week for that.

  • During most of this time, my energy level was barely equal to doing the minimum - most days, I barely made it past noon without needing a nap.  As a consequence, the house looks like he!!.

  • Started itching - initially bug bites, then what appeared to be prickly heat rash, and, finally, huge welts of hives.  That finally sent me to the doctor, who injected cortizone (also helping my asthma), and prescribed prednizone and decent antihistamines.

I'd feel REALLY sorry for myself if I wasn't aware that so many other people in my life have it as bad, or worse - whether financially, physically, or emotionally.

Now that I've improved, I've started writing - I have 1 post in process, and am looking forward to posting 3 or more times a week soon.

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